
Monday, June 23, 2008

IM Flash Friends & Family Open House

The company we work for - IM Flash Technologies - had its first annual "Friends & Family Open House" at work. They basically opened the building up (restricted to certain areas of course) to the family of employees and any friends they wanted to bring. Since some of the employees work a split shift (we are in manufacturing 24/7) they hosted the open house on two days. The first was on Saturday and the second day was on Monday - so all employees would have a chance to show their families and friends where they work. This event ended up brining in probably 4,000 people between both days.

Jen was in charge of creating a booth to display her process area - she was "volunteered" by her bosses, bosses boss to do this event seeing how she always ends up planning the party's for her group (her nickname is the "cruise director"). After some "ideas" from other team members they ended up making liquid nitrogen ice cream for the event, and then having some building activites for the kids (legos and lincoln logs). Believe it or not - both activities were a great success! People were amazed that you could make ice cream in less than 1 minute using liquid nitrogen...and it was probably the best tasting ice cream in town - so smooth and creamy (liquid nitrogen freezes the ice cream so fast it doesn't have a chance to form ice creamy ice cream!). The kids loved "building like an Engineer" as well. Here are some snap shots:

We drew quite the crowds...

Jen mixing up some fun

Strawberry was the favorite flavor

Jen even let Dustin join the fun....see there is perks to being married to another engineer!

Building like an Engineer

Dustin's group had a corporate planning booth - where they let everyone putt golf! When asked why golf..the response we got was "we are corporate people...this is what we do!". Jen couldn't help but laugh (especially since Dustin hasn't been golfing in over a year now and we LIVE on a golf course!). Here is a picture of Zach trying out his golf game:

All in all we had a blast helping out with this event for two days. We are completely EXHAUSTED, but would do it all over again. We had to include some pictures of "family" things we did during this Open House as well:

Zach's 1st balloon - he was so EXCITED - he loved playing with it

OH - something shiny for me to touch!


Baby with a hairnet

Baby with a head smock on

Family shot...too bad Zachary wouldn't hold still with the head smock can't even see his face!


Kelly said...

It sounds like another successful event was planned. You two know how to have some fun. Speaking of, we'd like to invite ourselves to come see you and maybe spend the night at your new casa when we're in Utah, and hang out with you for a day. The kids and Kelly and I look forward to seeing you in July, hopefully, if our schedules can synch up.

Stephanie said...

The icecream looks fun. I want some! Too bad I am thousands of miles away. Oh well, maybe next time. :-)

Craig said...

Too cool! I didn't have any idea that you could freeze ice cream with liquid nitrogen. What a "cool" idea! Hmmm...just think of the fun things you could do with liquid nitrogen if you had your own supply. If I could make ice cream in a minute, I think I would be doing it all the time. Looks like you guys had fun!