
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Daddy's Little Helper

Zach has been helping Dad work on a project this morning in the basement while Mom is getting her hair done..

  • We aded a new outlet, since the storage room didn't have one.. (Ok, I didn't let Zach help me much on this one)
  • To eliminate drafts the basement (and to keep Zach from touching the insulation), We put a layer of plastic over the exposed insulation on the interior wall of the storage room (I think I even managed to keep him from eating any of the insulation in the process! Yeah!)
  • Hung Brackets for new shelving (just need the wood now... Roadtrip for the boys this afternoon)

I was just finishing up the final touches on the project when I noticed I missed a thin strip of insulation behind the door where it opens towards.. I put all of my tools out of Zach's reach.. Noticed that Zach was preocupied looking up at the light in the storage room, so I decided I should be ok putting up a little more plastic to cover the insulation..

It couldn't have been more than a minute or 2 for me to hang the plastic, when all of the sudden the lights went out!

This is what Zach accomplished in less than 2 minutes...

Zach had been watching me go up and down the step ladder all morning.. His curiosity mixed with his recent fascination with how we can turn on and off the ceiling fans and lights in the house led him to a great plan! I'm kind of happy I didn't see him actually reaching that last step..
Since I had my phone on me I figured I'd take a few snapshots of my bad parenting.. hah! I'll do better in the future.. Otherwise Mom will stop letting me hang out with Zach. heh heh

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